All posts by editor -- visual recap

Finch Park Lexington NC

Finch Park offers a spectacular variety of features and activities. Three picnic areas available by reservation. All picnic shelters are handicapped accessible. Additional picnic tables are available throughout the park.

Enjoy a 1.25 mile walk around the perimeter of the lake or a stroll through the nature trail, which follows along extensive wooded areas. Read more….

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Boo Bash

Uptown Lexington, NC  USA

The Boo Bash is a wonderful activity for children on Halloween evening and we hope this is a tradition that begins at a young age. Parents can feel safe knowing that children are trick-or-treating with reputable merchants, in a well lit area overseen by policemen during the entire event. Main Street is closed down so no traffic will deter your child from safely crossing the street…..Read more here from Uptown Lexington, Inc.  See the action below.

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